The Case for Ken Martin

State Party Chair Who Turned a Purple State Blue

Ken Martin is currently serving his seventh term as Chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party. He has held this post since 2011—making him the longest serving Chairman in the 75-year history of the DFL. When he took over the party, Minnesota Democrats were in deep debt, reeling from losses, and struggling to regain an identity. They had just lost the state house, a 40-year state senate majority, one of the longest-held Democratic seats in Congress and, after a tight recount, barely managed to seat our state’s first Democratic governor in nearly 25 years.

Under Ken’s leadership, Minnesota has stood out as one of the country’s most steady, successful, and effective Democratic states. The party has won every single statewide election (25-0), secured two trifectas, and was the only Blue Wall state to hold in 2024. By building the party to win and to last, Ken restored Minnesotans’ confidence in the DFL. He made the DFL what it is today–an all-day, year-round party dedicated to organizing communities, empowering the grassroots, electing progressive candidates, and improving the lives of Minnesotans.

Effective Fundraiser

Ken Martin is widely known and respected as a prolific fundraiser. To date, he has raised more than $210 million dollars for the DFL. He has outraised his MN GOP counterpart in every election cycle, and currently holds a more than 3-1 fundraising advantage over MN Republicans. And just this election cycle, he raised $6 million dollars for the Biden/Harris campaign.

DNC Leader Who Has Track Record of Going Everywhere and Supporting State Parties in Red, Blue, and Purple States

As President of the Association of State Democratic Committees, Ken has spent countless hours supporting state parties across the country. He has campaigned for Democrats in all 50 states and 2 U.S. territories, and this past election cycle alone he has made nearly 40 trips to support state parties across the country. Ken hasn’t just supported parties in battleground states – he’s developed deep relationships with parties in red, blue, and purple states.

Learn More about Ken's Plan

A New DNC Framework: Build to Win, Build to Expand, Build to Last